Amazon Customers: We're here to support you!
Have you placed an order through Amazon for an AIRE and need some guidance or support?
Please rest assured that the FoodMarble team is here to help. We’re committed to helping every FoodMarble user and if you have any questions or concerns our support team is ready to assist.
Contacting Support
If you want to reach us, there are a number of options:
Email: You can reach out directly to
Chat: You can start a chat session within the FoodMarble app, on the FoodMarble website contact page or directly from our help center.
What to Include
When reaching out please try to include your Amazon order confirmation along with your initial question. This will help us to quickly verify your order and expedite the support process for you. You can send on a screenshot or forward the confirmation email to us directly.
Remember our Customer Experience Team is always here to support you on your journey to digestive health.
The image below shows how to access live chat directly from the FoodMarble website.

Updated on: 26/02/2024
Thank you!