How often should I test?
As a general rule of thumb, we recommend taking a breath test before eating and again approximately one hour after you eat. We recommend testing regularly throughout the day, at hourly intervals (for example one hour, two hours and three hours after eating). We recommend a maximum of 10 breath tests in 24 hours for the longevity of your FoodMarble device. In general, any breath tests are better than none, so don’t worry if you don’t get your timing exactly right. You might still see iPopularBreath testing: Tips & Technique
Here are some helpful tips and pointers on breath testing and your breath test technique: It's best to take your breath tests when you are in a relaxed state, so not immediately after exercise or after running up some stairs for instance. It's a good idea to take your breath tests while indoors when possible, as more extreme environmental conditions may affect your FoodMarble device. As an example, breath testing outdoors in very cold temperatures or in the rain would be besSome readersWhat gasses does a device measure?
AIRE, our generation one device, measures hydrogen (H2) gas only. Hydrogen is the key indicator for FODMAP intolerances in the large majority of people. AIRE 2, our latest device which launched in early 2022, measures both hydrogen and methane. If you know you are a methane producer, suspect you produce methane or if you simply want a more complete picture, AIRE 2 would be a good option for you.Few readersOur Community Group: AIRE Insiders
Have you joined our Facebook community group, AIRE Insiders, which was set up for FoodMarble customers? AIRE Insiders is exclusively for customers, making it a safe space to share your experiences and ask or answer questions from other community members. We have 1.6 K members, so make sure to join. How to join: Joining AIRE Insiders is simple, just click the link —AIRE Insiders and request to join. What You'llFew readersFoodMarble Glossary
This glossary comprises a list of new terms you will come across now that you are a part of the FoodMarble community. AIRE Insiders AIRE Insiders is our private FoodMarble community group hosted on Facebook. It is exclusively for FoodMarble customers to share and discuss their experiences. You will be asked to share your order information before being granted access to the group. You can request to access here. Breath Test A FoodMaFew readersAllan's Story
Many years ago, Allan began to experience increasingly persistent symptoms that ranged from bloating and abdominal pain to his most dreaded, diarrhoea. Struggling with these symptoms for more than 20 years has taken its toll on Allan's quality of life. When Allan was heading into his forties, he grew increasingly concerned about his symptoms as he didn't understand what was causing them. He worried that they were an indicator of poor health, so he went to see his doctor who started by advisingFew readersHealthy Holiday Habits: Navigating Festive Eating
Healthy Holiday Habits: Using FoodMarble to Navigate Festive Eating For some, the holiday season is synonymous with boozy celebrations and indulgent eating which may sound the alarm for those of us with chronic gut symptoms. If we do find ourselves gathered around tables laden with all sorts of magical looking treats this festive season, it can be very helpful to stay in tune with your digestive system. By facilitating improved decision making, empowered by real time insights, you canFew readers