Articles on: Challenges/Discovery Plan

All about the Food Intolerance Tests

Your FoodMarble device allows you to track your fermentation levels after consuming an all-natural FODMAP sample. The FODMAP substrates included in our food intolerance tests are: lactose, fructose, sorbitol & inulin

These are specific food ingredients that are commonly hard to digest. They can pass through the stomach and small intestine without being fully digested. Once they reach the large intestine, bacteria feed on them, causing the release of certain gases. This process is called fermentation and can cause serious digestive disruption for some people.

Testing your fermentation levels with a FODMAP can help you figure out if that specific food component is potentially contributing to your digestive discomfort, though it isn’t required to start using your device. You can test after regular meals as soon as you receive the device and do your FODMAP tests later.

There is some preparation required before you do a test (or Challenge), which will help ensure you get the best results. The FoodMarble app contains more information on the preparation needed. 

Most people won't feel any different during the test, however some people may experience discomfort. This discomfort shouldn't last long. If you know or suspect you might have difficulty digesting a particular FODMAP, it’s best to schedule the challenge for a day that you don’t have activities planned, in case it causes some temporary discomfort.

The packets contain sugars which occur naturally in food. The contents of each FODMAP packet is equivalent to eating the following:

Fructose = the same amount of fructose as 2 medium-to-large apples*
Lactose = the same amount of lactose as drinking 2 cups of milk*
Inulin = the same amount of inulin as eating 1-1.5 average Jerusalem artichokes**
Sorbitol = the same amount of sorbitol as eating 2 servings of prunes (actually it's only 1.7 servings of prunes but we'll round up)***

Therefore, if you feel any discomfort when eating these foods, you may choose to skip this test or you can elect to use a smaller amount of the substrate to test with. Please note that if you use a smaller amount than the entire packet, your results may not be accurate.

The food intolerance tests are optional, but highly recommended if you want to get answers quickly. If you decide not to do them, you can continue to log your foods and take breath readings daily. Over time you will begin to see patterns in your fermentation levels after eating certain foods.

*Source: United States Department of Agriculture
*Source: Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M, Bowen PE, Hussain EA, Damayanti-Wood BI, Farnsworth NR. Chemical composition and potential health effects of prunes: a functional food? Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2001 May;41(4):251-86.

Updated on: 15/03/2024

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